Vocabulary is one of the aspects tested in the IELTS exam, which is involved in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In the listening section, for example, candidates not only...
Continue readingBuilding Real Writing Skills with Contextual Grammar and Vocabulary
Rather than really improving everyday English skills, vocabulary and grammar in IELTS writing are frequently discussed in terms of exam preparation. However, that isn’t our ultimate objective. Today, I...
Continue reading10/23: The Importance and Risks of Ambition
Writing Task: Ambition is an important characteristic in people. How important is this quality for achieving success? Is it a positive or negative trait? Task Analysis: Let’s take a...
Continue readingFrequently Used Collocations for Expressing ‘Impact’ in Academic Writing
In IELTS writing, we often discuss the impact of something or someone, such as new regulations, latest policies, or even newly elected leaders. Some impacts are negative, while others...
Continue readingLearn How to Express Directions Through IELTS – IELTS 13 Test 1
Today, we will examine another map from IELTS Test 13, Section 1. Many of the collocations used in this map are familiar to us, simple and clear, allowing you...
Continue reading10/21: The Risks of Sharing Personal Information Online
Writing Task Today, more and more people are putting their personal information online for various activities, such as banking, shopping, and socializing. Do you think this is a positive...
Continue readingLearn How to Express Directions Through IELTS – IELTS 12 Test 8
Sometimes, we may need to review a map of a small district in a city that includes various landmarks and roads. To deliver a clear message about the main...
Continue readingLearn How to Express Directions Through IELTS – IELTS 11 Test 1
Today, we’ll explore the layout of a farm and learn how to navigate slightly more complex routes with landmarks and directions. An Example from IELTS 11 Test 1 Section...
Continue readingLearn How to Express Directions Through IELTS – IELTS 9 Test 2
In IELTS Test 9, Listening Section 2, there is a map of Hinchingbrooke Park. The introduction script is brief, but the presentation is very practical and clear. Let’s learn...
Continue reading10/19: Celebrities’ Fame and Wealth vs. Real Achievement
Writing Task: Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do...
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