The charts below show the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Candidate’s Answer
This is an answer written by a candidate who achieved a Band 4.5 score.
The charts indicate to Five places on the earth. Talking about water and the ways of using it.
It seen obvious all of pie charts have the got the Lawest precentage in the domestic uses like at home. However, the Largest precentage went with the Agricul tural and farms. The center of Asia has the greatest numbers of precentage of Agricultural use. On the other hand in Europe they did not use, water so much as central Asia or Africa. They just use 32,4%. But in the industrial they use it al ot and the Largest precentage wi th them. If we check on Africa, it seen they almost the second after Asia use water in industrial and opposite of Europe.
In North America and Europe they slightly same in industrial use and just les 4 precentages to Europe, South Asia and South America are uses the water in Agricultural rather than industrial.
Overall, they all use water much in the farm and Agricultural. Europe and North America they use water more than others in the industrial areas. Africa got the lowest percentage in domestic and industrial uses.
Examiner’s Comment
The candidate covers all the data in the charts, but there is some inaccuracy in his description (the largest percentage went with the Agricultural and farms) (not true in all cases) and there is a shortage of data to support the descriptions. There is an attempt to summarise the main points at the end of the description. Information is evident, but it is not arranged coherently (the description jumps from different usage in general to specific use in different countries, but this does not follow a logical sequence). Without reference back to the individual charts, it is hard to follow the description, especially where reference is also unclear (it, them, they). The range of lexis is just adequate for the task (largest percentage, greatest number, a lot, the second after Asia), but there is reliance on input material and errors in spelling are noticeable, even where the lexis is supplied in the prompt or the diagrams. A very limited range of structures is used and grammatical errors are frequent (… all of pie charts have the got…, … the almost the second after Asia use water in industrial and opposite of Europe,.. they slightly same in industrial use,… South Asia and South America are uses the water in Agricultural rather than industrial). The script represents a mixed profile, but overall achieves Band 4.5.